Friday 11 June 2010

Hi Chloe, my only reader! 8-D

I found an interesting comic. NYX. I'm not the biggest fan of comics / superhero stuff but I really liked the style, so...

At least, I liked the style on the cover. Inside it was a bit all over the place, but I suppose drawing comics consistently must be very difficult. I know I couldn't do it so who am I to criticize!

Something I drew whilst feeling particularly summery and listening to Caravan:


I had an excellent idea for a kid's cartoon. It'd take place in a school, I'm not sure what the main story idea would be... but the teacher would be a SKELETON. But it'd never be seen as anything odd.
Like Brian being a dog in Family Guy.
The main chara would be a normal boy:

Then I realized I really can't draw cartoon skeletons :(

I'll work on it.

I actually don't know what the hell this is:

I got very, very mad at a certain person (Chloe, you would know) and drew this :D I actually tore the paper... haha.


  1. I like it ^_^
    My only suggestion: your skeleton man looks a little cartoony (I know it's for a comic but I think there's a distinction... ish).

    As ever, love it, wish it was mine. :P

    Chloe x

  2. Aww, I was trying to make him look like Grim out of Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy... I do need to work on it :P

    Thank you for your feedback dearest!
    Hope you are okay xx
