Monday 19 September 2011

Sooo, I've started my degree course now. The progress of which will be shared here. Go on, click it. I'm sure you want to read my endless ramblings about different media.

---> <---

In fact, just about all my art and art-related writings will be shared there, so be sure to have a gander.

We were asked to make a "Pecha Kucha" presentation about ourselves, and I spent a hideous amount of time sitting and colouring in 19-or-so slides. I'm going to share some of them here.

I'm sure you can decipher a bit of my life story through these...

(something strange has happened to this one :( )

Wednesday 7 September 2011

My nonsensical writing, if anybody is interested:

Monday 5 September 2011

Well, as usual I don't stick to my own deadlines.

However it's not been a completely fruitless Summer in terms of my art.

I've been trying to practice drawing full figures.

I found a big source of inspiration in the game "Team Fortress", which is free on Steam. I'm not the biggest fan of running-around-shooting-people games, but I really like the art style! I find it especially interesting as I have a habit of mainly drawing women, and of being unsure how to stylise men. ::

One day I'll be at this standard. :'(

Here are some very rough sketches.
The left one's hat and fangs are a charming embellishment by my boyfriend :p

My ever-slowly-evolving character for an "epic fantasy" story idea I've been mulling over for a while. It will take place in a world that combines "cyberpunk" and futuristic technology with styles inspired by both Medieval and Victorian.
Sound like a bit of a mess? Perhaps...

I've had various thoughts of the story for the character. Originally I planned her to be a young heir to the throne who decides to abandon her family and run away, but I came across a very helpful article on "Mary Sue" characters (here, and one I'm going to read at some point about creating new worlds here), and I'm having second thoughts. I'll work on it.

(It's all over the place, but I like the face in this one)

And other random stuff:

(drew this whilst watching Black Swan, a film I found unintentionally hilarious)

Saturday 6 August 2011

This has been mine and Photoshop's relationship for the past few months...

I can't seem to get any good ideas, or anything done to a half-decent standard! It's frustrating.
Lack of inspiration, most probably.

Sunday 17 July 2011

I believe a bit of fan-art is in order.

Very messy, but never mind.

I haven't seen it yet, but I am rather excited about it...

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Initial designs for characters in a comic revolving around a group of metalheads.

The general idea is that each of them represents a different subgenre of metal. So far I've only come up with 3 characters, more will come soon!

Left is black metal, central is a general metal guy, and the right is thrash metal.

I like this fellow!

There's also characters from other subcultures, such as indie...

"Birdy-man" as I keep calling him in my head. He transforms into a strange bird-like creature.

And a lady!

Also, on a slighly different note, I was inspired by watching How To Train Your Dragon; I doodled whilst watching the film.
Nicolas Marlet's art is delightful!

That last girl isn't Dragon-themed, just a random person.

And, misc.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

The same character.
In progress...

(I apologize for the lack of variation in my uploads recently, I've just been focussing on practicing more than anything!)

And yet again, my style has suddenly changed. This time it's gone a bit anime?!

Saturday 11 June 2011


She looks a bit stoned.
And I just realized I forgot one of her eyebrows!
Oh, well...

Note: Having some sort of reference for colour blending, etc. helps...
Gothy steampunk lady, drawn relatively quickly. (About 1 hour)
It looks completely wrong when I flip it horizontally, I need to be checking that whilst I draw/colour.

I plan on refining this character!

Monday 6 June 2011


Gerald Scarfe!

I can't comment on his political cartoons, but the work he created for Pink Floyd is mesmerizing.

I saw Roger Waters "The Wall" the other week, it was a spectacular show. When watching "The Trail", with the projected animation, I experienced an overwhelming feeling of wanting to one day create a theatrical music show, with corresponding animated films.

This is just a tad ambitious though.

Thursday 26 May 2011

BUT, before I start giving my drawings some direction, here's some more sketches! (sighs)

I am attempting to design a female steampunk character... I will work on this.

A different coloured paper?!

And a spot of life drawing. I drew my other half, working... (in sorf-of-realistic and cartoony versions)

Saturday 7 May 2011

Also, I have a plan for my next collection of drawings. I am going to illustrate some characters/scenes from Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, which I'm reading at the minute.
I'm going to try and illustrate anything, actually. Books and general every-day observations.

This was all brought on by Tealin's fan art website, which is one of the first websites I found which influenced me to draw in a Disney-inspired style.

This is just something that will give my art some sort of focus and direction.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Sitting around the house for 24 hours a day isn't good for one's creative capacities!
I can not wait for September.

Friday 15 April 2011


I may have possibly gone a bit overboard with the airbrush, and it's quite inconsistent in how defined the shading is. But I like this one!

I was going to put a load of mottled tree roots around the bottom, but... I'm afraid I can't be bothered.