Thursday 30 December 2010

Generic fantasy lady #135

Tried a new technique of starting off in greyscale and then adding colour...

I ended up leaving it unfinished and looking washed out.
Oh well, I'll get there eventually :P

Tuesday 21 December 2010

This is actually a rather old sketch but I like it, so I'm uploading it.
Going for the 'Series of Unfortunate Events' feel.

I am decidedly giving up on this.

Also, I've realized the anatomy is all wrong - her hips don't appear to connect to her torso.


Friday 17 December 2010

For some reason I've decided to upload this as it progresses.

I'm also watching Peep Show, it's genius.

Thursday 16 December 2010

Work in progress

I thought I'd upload something that more matches my current mood. No, I'm not in the Christmas spirit at all really!

Hopefully this will turn out rather Natalia Pierandrei-like.

(note - I was getting on quite well with this drawing, when suddenly my whole street encountered a power cut! And after 45 minutes of twiddling my thumbs I came back to the PC and it had reverted back to a crappy sketch. How I hate it when things like that happen.)

Tuesday 14 December 2010

A Christmas card I designed for my VW-camper-obsessed parents.

Happy holidays everybody!

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Some 'pirate ladies'.

I need to draw some landscapes / buildings / stuff other than people for my portfolio... I only have three weeks left! Oh, skittles.

Friday 12 November 2010

My current obsession

I desperately want to see this film in it's entirety. Don Hertzfeldt's mind is amazing!

Oooh, I'll be doing this one day... Somehow...
Hello, this is a pointless post reminding myself of some stuff I hope to get my hands on soon... or eventually, considering how many there are.

I'm telling myself now to begin diversifying my interests so I have stuff to talk and write about! Or just mull over in my own head...

DVDs -

I would like these now, please.

Excuse me. Also:

Graphic novels -

Books -

Pratchett in general, I've only read a few but I loved them.
And I just need to go to the library and get anything I see, I need to exercise my reading skills after 6 months of utter laziness and barely doing anything even slightly studious... Oh dear, bring on University, please!

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Weird digital painting of wonderful musician Steven Wilson:

Monday 11 October 2010

I tried to start colouring in one of the sketches I scanned, but the size of it was too small, so it just looks a bit blurry. Still good practice though!

Friday 1 October 2010

more misc. cartoony people

Drew some stuff for the first time in bloody ages!

(these scanned too lightly, I'm afraid I couldn't be arsed to rescan so they had to be a little darkened :p)

Saturday 18 September 2010

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Just a quick little cartoon I just did to express my fondness for Devin Townsend (skullet or no)

Saturday 4 September 2010

I wish my life was as interesting as those 20-year-old artsy student bloggers'...

I have not drawn anything recently and I am hopelessly dreading college on Monday. (Y)

Thursday 29 July 2010

It's all clicked! I've figured out Photoshop at last.

Spent about 6 hours on this (yes I like fantasy art 8D).
And the first thing I've felt the need to watermark - I don't even know if I did it right.
Hope one approves...

Monday 26 July 2010

Digital Painting Practice

The painting practice continues...

A portrait of Johnny Depp, I did this a few days ago... I quite like the hand, but I grew lazy with the shading :c

I just tried painting Jamie Campbell Bower's face... he ended up looking slightly insane.
(He's the dude who plays the young dude in Sweeney Todd, I always thought he looked a little like a young David Gilmour)

Getting better! I wish I had more patience.

Monday 19 July 2010

Wednesday 30 June 2010

Monday 28 June 2010

Saturday 26 June 2010

And Ross Campbell
I really want to buy his graphic novels

I shall scan stuff tomorrow...

Thursday 24 June 2010

I can't get over how darned amazing Jamie Hewlett's style is.

I'm currently working on my first comic. I don't really know the proper technique and way you're meant to go about doing these things, so I'm really just making it up as I go along... we'll see how it turns out!

*shrugs* I dunno what this scruffy thing is.

Animation at Norwich University College of the Arts. This is what I want to study. Definite.
I am writing this to reassure myself.
I will upload more soon...

Friday 11 June 2010

Hi Chloe, my only reader! 8-D

I found an interesting comic. NYX. I'm not the biggest fan of comics / superhero stuff but I really liked the style, so...

At least, I liked the style on the cover. Inside it was a bit all over the place, but I suppose drawing comics consistently must be very difficult. I know I couldn't do it so who am I to criticize!

Something I drew whilst feeling particularly summery and listening to Caravan:


I had an excellent idea for a kid's cartoon. It'd take place in a school, I'm not sure what the main story idea would be... but the teacher would be a SKELETON. But it'd never be seen as anything odd.
Like Brian being a dog in Family Guy.
The main chara would be a normal boy:

Then I realized I really can't draw cartoon skeletons :(

I'll work on it.

I actually don't know what the hell this is:

I got very, very mad at a certain person (Chloe, you would know) and drew this :D I actually tore the paper... haha.