Saturday 26 March 2011

(I didn't draw this, I found it. Thank you, Stumbleupon, for amusing me for so many hours.)
A bit of sketching. I read up this guy's expression tutorial halfway through working on these. The man is almost too good at drawing! Have a good look through that gallery!

Never mind. I really need to buy a sketchbook...

Thursday 24 March 2011

Some anthropomorphic cats, inspired by the artist in the link in the previous post.

Let's bear in mind this is the first time I've drawn in a while... but it was rather fun. I may have to put waistcoats and hairstyles on felines again at some point in the future.

I wish this blog had consistency. I need a project to work on instead of just dilly-dallying about!
Very useful (and amusing) tutorial on drawing expressions from somebody who really seems to know what they're talking about!
(Generi-spressions, chronic C-mouth and Fl0underface Disorder all annoy me no end. This will probably not make sense unless you look at the link...)

I really haven't been practicing drawing enough recently. I've been too caught up in 'real life'!
I'll get back to it soon.

Also, StumbleUpon is fantastic. I've finally found some websites that are actually interesting!

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Found some photos (mostly from Lookbook) of some fashionable little damsels whose outfits I find rather quirky and inspiring. I keep meaning to design some characters using these as references.
I'm not doing anything at the minute though as I can't even afford a sketchbook.

How are some people so damn pretty?!? It's not fair. *pouts*

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Mad scientist WIP
I always enjoy seeing the development of other artist's work, so I thought I'd do that here.
(not that many people read my blog, but hey!)

I haven't been doing too much drawing lately as I've been travelling around to my interviews.

I will no doubt get back into it soon enough!