Wednesday 30 June 2010

Monday 28 June 2010

Saturday 26 June 2010

And Ross Campbell
I really want to buy his graphic novels

I shall scan stuff tomorrow...

Thursday 24 June 2010

I can't get over how darned amazing Jamie Hewlett's style is.

I'm currently working on my first comic. I don't really know the proper technique and way you're meant to go about doing these things, so I'm really just making it up as I go along... we'll see how it turns out!

*shrugs* I dunno what this scruffy thing is.

Animation at Norwich University College of the Arts. This is what I want to study. Definite.
I am writing this to reassure myself.
I will upload more soon...

Friday 11 June 2010

Hi Chloe, my only reader! 8-D

I found an interesting comic. NYX. I'm not the biggest fan of comics / superhero stuff but I really liked the style, so...

At least, I liked the style on the cover. Inside it was a bit all over the place, but I suppose drawing comics consistently must be very difficult. I know I couldn't do it so who am I to criticize!

Something I drew whilst feeling particularly summery and listening to Caravan:


I had an excellent idea for a kid's cartoon. It'd take place in a school, I'm not sure what the main story idea would be... but the teacher would be a SKELETON. But it'd never be seen as anything odd.
Like Brian being a dog in Family Guy.
The main chara would be a normal boy:

Then I realized I really can't draw cartoon skeletons :(

I'll work on it.

I actually don't know what the hell this is:

I got very, very mad at a certain person (Chloe, you would know) and drew this :D I actually tore the paper... haha.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Inspired by Stephen Silver

Right, I have actually decided I am at my creative best at silly hours in the morning.

I've spent the evening, most productively, watching animations on Youtube (varying from Goth Lyfe to Video Game Dudes to Clerks)
Clerks inspired me, so I looked up Stephen Stone who did the design for it and spent about half an hour looking at his website. I always loved the designs he did for ol' cartoons I used to watch like Danny Phantom and Kim Possible.

Here's some rough attempts at his style. I left in the initial sketches because I always like them for some reason.
(These look so much better in the thumbnails than the full-size images!)

(I hope this to be the first cartoon character to wear a Katatonia shirt. And also for that to be the shittiest drawn guitar in history.)

To finish, here's a decidedly creepy self-portrait:

Wednesday 2 June 2010

nothing, really

Nothing much of value in this update, my ability to colour has abruptly disappeared, and everything I sketch has been utter rubbish ... I hate it when that happens!

However, I did like these fellows:

I watched '500 Days of Summer' and have realized what a girl I am, because I watched it twice in a row, and cried the first time round. Yes, it was very cathartic, even though the film isn't even sad. It was just ... eugh. Yeah. See? I'm a sap.

Anyway, like many other things it has inspired me to write! So I quickly drew up this (very rough and unhelpful) idea for my comic / graphic novel thing. I can only hope I will actually get round to doing this.

I will develop on this later. Possibly tomorrow.